If you live in North Carolina, chances are that you have at least one ceiling fan in your home to help keep yourself comfortable. While ceiling fans are designed to last for a long time, they do need some care and maintenance, as well as the occasional repair, in order to stay in good working order. In this article, we’ll go over a few signs that you need ceiling fan repair so that you can address any problems quickly and prevent them from getting worse.
- Wobbling Blades- One sign that you may need ceiling fan repair is the blades wobbling up and down, rather than moving in a straight line. Similarly, if the fan itself is wobbling, you should probably give our team a call.
- Strange Sounds- Another sign that something is wrong with your fan is strange noises coming from it as it runs. Your fan will always make some sound, but it should be quiet and consistent, not loud and sudden. If you hear your fan starting to make loud buzzing, squeaking, or thumping noises, chances are that you need ceiling fan repair.
- All Speeds are the Same- A third sign that you need ceiling fan repair is the fan’s distinct speeds—fast, medium, and slow—all seeming to be about the same. If you pull the cord to change your fan’s speed but don’t notice any real change, then you should give our team a call to get the problem inspected. We’ll determine the cause of the issue and provide the solution you need.