Home > Blog > Situations When You Might Need an Emergency Electrician

Emergency ElectricianElectricity is constantly running through your entire home. While there are safety features in place to keep you, your family, and your home safe, there can also be accidents that require immediate attention from an emergency electrician. Electricity is very powerful and capable of causing severe damage and even death. It’s important that you are cautious about how you handle problems arising with your electricity.

You may find yourself in one of the following situations when you might need an emergency electrician:

  • Your wiring is outdated and leads to problems like outlets feeling hot to the touch, or cords feeling hot.
  • You’re experiencing regular scenarios where your circuits short out.
  • You or someone in your home experiences a shock when plugging in or unplugging an appliance.
  • You see sparks when something is plugged in or unplugged.

Another situation you may find yourself in is a power outage. If it’s affecting neighbors as well, it is an external issue, but otherwise would require an emergency electrician. It could be a problem at just your home and if that’s the case, you’ll need to have everything evaluated to determine the source that is causing it.

Do not hesitate to give us a call if you have any concerns. It is much better to be safe and have any issues handled by a professional than to put yourself, a family member, or your home in danger. We are more than willing to come and evaluate the situation so that we can give you our recommendations for what needs to be done.