Oftentimes, your home’s outlets are taken for granted. You just plug things in and expect them to work every time. However, like most things, outlets wear over time and will need to be repaired. Sometimes it isn’t clear if they need to be repaired or completely replaced. This is why you should let us here at Mister Sparky by Wise Electric Control Inc. come inspect your home’s outlets and if necessary, handle your outlet repair. There are some signs to watch for with your outlets that will tell you when it is time to give us a call.
- The outlet doesn’t work
- Plugs are falling out easily
- Appliances keep turning off and on
- The outlet sparks when you plug or unplug
- Burn marks or melting
- Cracks on the face of the outlet
- Outlets feel hot
These are just a few things that will signal when it’s time to have your outlets looked at. When it is that time, you should call us to take care of your outlet repair. Trying to determine this on your own can compromise your safety. It may be a simple fix, but there is also a chance bigger issues are behind your outlet troubles and without the proper knowledge on outlet repair, it can be fairly dangerous.
We can ensure your outlet repair is handled safely and correctly so you don’t have to worry about any more issues. We can also determine if it’s an outlet repair or replacement that is needed. Let us take the stress of your outlet repair of your shoulders and get your outlets working properly again.