What Types of Surge Protection are Available?

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When you live in an area like North Carolina that is familiar with lightning storms, you might be reasonably concerned about the safety of your electronic devices, should there be an electrical surge from the lightning or otherwise. This concern can be solved with some quality surge protection. Here are a few of the most common options.

What Types of Surge Protection are Available?

  • Power strips: This is one of the most common options that many people believe will offer sufficient surge protection. While it is a great way to get additional outlets in the room, it doesn’t necessarily provide all the safety features that actual whole-house surge protectors do.
  • Basic surge protector: A basic surge protector can be used to limit the electric voltage running through the circuits. It can monitor the electrical currents and redirect the current if needed to prevent an electrical surge that could ruin your devices or cause a fire. Most basic surge protectors can be used to protect electrical devices like TVs, computers, phones, gaming systems, etc.
  • Whole-house surge protector: This type of surge protector works similarly to your basic surge protector for your electronic devices, but it allows for surge protection for everything in your house, including larger appliances like the washer, dryer, and fridge. We often recommend this type of surge protection over all others because it offers the most protection and efficiency.

Give us a call if you would like to learn more about the surge protection options and other services we have to offer.