Eight Warning Signs that your Home Needs Rewiring

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If rewiring is in your best interestKnowing that your house’s wiring is in good shape is essential for the safety of your home. Tens of thousands of homes in the U.S. are affected by electrical fires. Many of these fires are caused by problems from outlets and receptacles or faulty house wiring. A large fraction of these fires can be prevented by inspecting, repairing, and/or replacing your house’s wiring. How do you know if your home needs rewiring? Here are a few warning signs to look for:

  1. Fuses that are blown frequently
  2. Dimming or flickering lights
  3. Switch plates, cords, or outlets that are hot to the touch or discolored
  4. Buzzing or sizzling sounds
  5. Burning smells
  6. Electrical shocks when you plug in a cord or touch a cord that’s already plugged in
  7. An over-amped electrical fuse box
  8. If your home was built between 1965-1973 and hasn’t had the wiring replaced since

If you are still unsure, don’t hesitate to call us at Mister Sparky by Wise Electric Control Inc. You can depend on the integrity and skill of our friendly technicians.  When you call us at Mister Sparky by Wise Electric Control Inc., we will show up on time and thoroughly inspect the condition of your wiring so that we can provide you with an honest recommendation. If rewiring is in your best interest, we will use high-quality reliable materials and excellent workmanship to make certain that the job is done right and to your complete satisfaction. Give us a call today.